Tag: frieze

Laura Langer at Kunsthaus Glarus | frieze | review

Laura Langer at Kunsthaus Glarus | frieze | review

The spiral has been used as a symbol since the beginning of recorded culture. In Celtic mythologies, for instance, spirals denote elevation to higher levels of consciousness. Popular iconographies based on Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian mythology, on the other hand, combine the spiral with a straight 

Camilla Steinum Plays with Chance | frieze | review

Camilla Steinum Plays with Chance | frieze | review

‘Pick a card’ is the initial instruction visitors receive prior to entering Camilla Steinum’s immersive exhibition, ‘Symptom, Sympathy’, at Westfälischer Kunstverein. Further directions and notes are included in a booklet that serves as a manual for the show. Yet, before picking a card from the