Author: Gabriela

METAL | publication | published by Material Review

METAL | publication | published by Material Review

Artists and authors offer their views on the ethical and aesthetic significance of metal in contemporary culture. Starting with a journey through the Basque Country (Spain) and its metallurgical tradition, the publication addresses some collective imaginaries of the industrial, technological, and social transition from the 

Who Cracks the Whip?: Angharad Williams | Mousse | article

Who Cracks the Whip?: Angharad Williams | Mousse | article

Welsh artist Angharad Williams’s eclectic practice encompasses diverse forms—from painting to sculpture, as well as video, installations, and performances. These expressions are informed by questions around authority, speech, and class. Due to the constraints of the pandemic, Williams’s work has become more static and materially 

Good Pictures : Austin Lee | Kaleidoscope | article

Good Pictures : Austin Lee | Kaleidoscope | article

At first sight, Austin Lee’s paintings and sculptures might feelprovocatively childish, even histrionic—but upon digging beneaththe surface, further layers are revealed. From his deliberately basiccompositions and palettes to his hybrid processes, Lee’s worksanalyze the power of image creation, as well as contemporaryforms of painting. continue 

Camilla Steinum Plays with Chance | frieze | review

Camilla Steinum Plays with Chance | frieze | review

‘Pick a card’ is the initial instruction visitors receive prior to entering Camilla Steinum’s immersive exhibition, ‘Symptom, Sympathy’, at Westfälischer Kunstverein. Further directions and notes are included in a booklet that serves as a manual for the show. Yet, before picking a card from the 

Blending as Resistance: Peppi Bottrop | Mousse | review

Blending as Resistance: Peppi Bottrop | Mousse | review

Regarding the artist’s working space, Daniel Buren once wrote that the studio frames the reality and truth of an artwork. In his text The Function of the Studio (1979) he suggested that the work of art ultimately belongs in the studio, because it is only 

Shuang Li: Body, Soul, Desires, and Affections | Heichi | article

Shuang Li: Body, Soul, Desires, and Affections | Heichi | article

In his book Testo Junkie, the philosopher Paul B. Preciado claims that the real engine of capitalism is the pharmacopornographic control of our subjectivities. The products of this economy are serotonin, testosterone, cortisone, antibiotics, alcohol, tobacco, morphine, insulin, cocaine, Viagra, basically any substance that facilitates the 

Danica Barboza | Kaleidoscope | article

Danica Barboza | Kaleidoscope | article

Danica Barboza’s practice encompasses a multiplicity of forms. The great commonality linking her sculptures, drawings and writing is the artist’s emphasis on the processes of deconstruction and discovery. Her narratives grow out from the dissection of bodies and structures, and are leavened with a sharp 

A Promise of Love and Madness: Leila Hekmat | Mousse | review

A Promise of Love and Madness: Leila Hekmat | Mousse | review

A poster recalling 1970s giallo film aesthetics heralds the play CROCOPAZZO! by Leila Hekmat at Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin, but upon crossing the gallery’s threshold one realizes that the actual play was already performed in petit comité and what remains comprises the exhibition. CROCOPAZZO!’s structure is complex, as it includes a number 

Giacomo Santiago Rogado – Insight | published by School of Observation | essay

Giacomo Santiago Rogado – Insight | published by School of Observation | essay

Insight brings together recent works by the painter Giacomo Santiago Rogado (b. 1979). Spanning the past five years of his oeuvre, the selection focuses on the series Intuition, Coalescence and Introspection, alongside a series of large-scale installation works. This new publication offers the reader an intimate encounter with 

Agathe Bauer, issue 0: Picking Up Promises / publication

Agathe Bauer, issue 0: Picking Up Promises / publication

The title of publication series ‘Agathe Bauer’ stands for a broadly misheard hook “I’ve got the power” from a German 1990 Eurodance hit ‘The Power’ by the band Snap!. The hook that turned the song into a hit, came from Jocelyn Brown’s track ‘Love’s Gonna