Tag: Peres Projects

Good Pictures : Austin Lee | Kaleidoscope | article

Good Pictures : Austin Lee | Kaleidoscope | article

At first sight, Austin Lee’s paintings and sculptures might feelprovocatively childish, even histrionic—but upon digging beneaththe surface, further layers are revealed. From his deliberately basiccompositions and palettes to his hybrid processes, Lee’s worksanalyze the power of image creation, as well as contemporaryforms of painting. continue 

Shuang Li: Body, Soul, Desires, and Affections | Heichi | article

Shuang Li: Body, Soul, Desires, and Affections | Heichi | article

In his book Testo Junkie, the philosopher Paul B. Preciado claims that the real engine of capitalism is the pharmacopornographic control of our subjectivities. The products of this economy are serotonin, testosterone, cortisone, antibiotics, alcohol, tobacco, morphine, insulin, cocaine, Viagra, basically any substance that facilitates the